
Race-related trauma could include the traumatic experiences, emotionally, psychologically, physically that manifest as the result of experiencing one or multiple events. Sometimes trauma is widely categorized as occurring from natural disasters, sexual abuse, or car accidents, but we don't think about race-related trauma as a part of that. It's important to include that in our understanding of trauma and how it can effect marginalized communities and African-Americans. 

 "If there's no name for a problem, you can't see a problem. And if you can't see a problem you can't solve it. And sometimes we don't name these traumas as racial traumas that black and African-Americans are experiencing." Kimberle Crenshaw

Police interaction with the black community can also play a role in the trauma faced by black people. Just the appearance of a police officer can raise the levels of fear that a black person may feel in a given situation. Being stopped and questioned by a police officer, often creates, brings out, or changes the way black people will act and have them questioning every move they make in the presence of an officer, in order to reduce escalating a situation or to get out of the feeling of being in danger. 

The handling of black people in many cases have been detrimental to the black community and police relations and can also contribute to the trauma that affects black mental health. Looking at the Eric Garner case and even Sandra Bland; it can attribute to the mishandling of black people in or around police custody. Police must be held accountable for their actions and have the proper training when it comes to the black community. Incidences have highlighted the potentially harmful effects of police practices based on racial profiling procedures toward minorities, especially Black men. Police abuse can be associated with distress, depression, anxiety, and trauma symptoms that is faced by the black community.


Reframing The Narrative of The Black Experience


Black Artists fight mental health stigma with their work