
ARE WE SURPRISED? CHANGE A FEW DETAILS AND THE STORY IS STILL THE SAME -HASHTAG BLACKLIVESMATTER. GET OUT AND PROTEST. JUST TO FACE ‘THE ALREADY SET UP’ POLICE BARRICADES - It’s like Deja vu; change a few details, the name, the location and the story is still the same. I can probably go back to an article I wrote years back and do this and it will flow the same- only difference is the dates. It reads the same. Unarmed black man / woman murdered by police who used excessive and unnecessary force. Police gets suspended, maybe fired but not arrested. Media digs up unrelated info to discredit black man or woman or paint them in a negative light. Police may be indicted but never charged. Protests about the decision just to be faced with police barricades with officers with their riot gear just to arrest peaceful protesters and the cycle continues over and over. 


Enter white male civilian, who commits an act of terror- shoots at a crowd, shoots up a school, shoots up a movie theater, shoots up a church, killing a number of people; gets into a dispute with a police officer, isn’t shot at or killed but showed restraint. It doesn’t end, white male civilian fights with cops, aims a gun or weapon at a cop and doesn't get shot or killed. Media reports the story and somehow finds a way to lighten the story and use buzz words like he was a nice kid or he suffered from a mental illness or something that doesn't call out what they are, terrorists, murderers etc and the cycle continues over and over. 


Black people protest peacefully in the name of justice against the system, its labeled a riot, and other harsh terms and police and military are brought out with their rubber bullets and their riot gear but in the same protests you have white people armed with rifles walking around antagonizing and shooting at peaceful protesters but it gets ignored or its allowed to continue without question, praised as if  they are protecting some American way of life or showing some patriotism for this country. Even in their protests, while armed with rifles against their home team loosing a football game or against the mandated law to wear masks to protect during a pandemic, they get a pass. But it’s a story that has been repeating itself and none of this is anything new.        

Reactions to the grand jury's decision in the Breonna Taylor fatal shooting

Reactions to the grand jury's decision in the Breonna Taylor fatal shooting

Its only sad and stressful how much this has to be pointed out and for some people to still not get it. But the story remains the same no matter which details get changed. And in this case, no charges for the officers involved. Louisville has prepared for the possibility of unrest, announcing a 72-hour countywide curfew starting 9 p.m. with Government buildings being closed. But in America. For the land of the free. In the name of Justice, it’s what is expected at this point. Better to prepare for the public outrage that comes from these wrongful death decisions instead of changing a system that upholds it. Better to force a curfew knowing that the ruling will be what the people would not want to see. Better to protect the officers and the institution than to actually provide justice. If the police are not at fault, it is the system in place. If a Breonna’s Law can be created, there should be some justice.


But we continue with Hashtags; Say Her Name, Say His Name, Black Lives Matter, A few settlements here; money raised there but continuing the same cycle. We now Push the importance to vote but a whole system refuses to except something is wrong.


