The trailer/teaser for Entergalactic has arrived. Entergalactic, the adult-animated music series based on the upcoming album of the same name by Kid Cudi is slated to premiere on Netflix this fall. With a cast that includes Jessica Williams, Timothée Chalamet, Ty Dolla $ign, Laura Harrier, Vanessa Hudgens, Christopher Abbott, 070 Shake, Teyana Taylor, Jaden Smith, Keith David, Arturo Castro and Macaulay Culkin.
Entergalactic will showcase music from Kid Cudi’s album. The series follows a young artist named Jabari, voiced by Mescudi, as he attempts to balance love and success. Finding the latter brings Jabari a step closer to the former, when moving into his dream apartment introduces him to his new neighbor, photographer it-girl, Meadow, voiced by Williams. An explosion of art, music, and fashion, Entergalactic takes place in the only city that can handle all three: New York. Mescudi will write, star, and executive produce the series. How To Make It In America creator Ian Edelman will co-write with Mescudi and will also executive produce along with Barris.
Kid Cudi also announced the upcoming release “Do What I Want” from the album/soundtrack which can be heard in the teaser.
Following what seems to be a trend of brands and companies feeding into the Black Lives Matter movement, particularly making note their lack of inclusion or diversity or even using this time to “seem aware of the issues” that as a whole can exclude Black creatives.
With Anna Wintour - Artistic Director of Conde Nast & Editor-In-Chief of Vogue Magazine; commenting on the discriminatory culture and taking "full responsibility" for not hiring enough Black creatives while acknowledging the hurt and pain Vogue employees of color must be feeling during this time, the response seemed to fuel that it wasn’t enough. With overseeing Vogue; some feels she could’ve done more and to simply say “Vogue has not found enough ways to elevate and give space to Black editors, writers, photographers, designers and other creators” lends itself to the discriminatory culture and systemic racism that has been engrained in America.
Now enters the #VogueChallenge, a trend where Black and POC lend their talents to creating their own Vogue color; speaking to the lack of brown models of color gracing the cover.
How hard is it really to add diverse creatives behind the scenes and on the covers? With this - and as a creator; I have two takeaways - the creator creating to be showcased and accepted within a publication that blindly excludes until its trendy and the power that diverse creators have (somewhat disconnect and widespread) but together can push its own brand and publication that uplifts and recognizes the talent held, giving creatives opportunities to take chances, giving creatives space and the freedom to create for themselves and not to fit in to these spaces that were built to exclude.
Enter ELSV, created out of being excluded from a number of spaces and even at times to showcase that I can produce at a level such as Vogue, GQ, T Magazine, WSJ Magazine etc. Once the building began, the experience of creating just to create and for yourself took over. Its something about working with creatives with the same mindset, that wants to create just to create, removing the stipulation of trying to fit into some box for the sake of checking a box of inclusion so brands can say well we have one or we had models of color and so on. Even with the challenges of being an independent publication, there isn’t anything like having a safe space of your own. So with rebranding, taking risks and never giving up, ELSV still remains a project hard to let go especially in all of its elusiveness.
NEW YORK [SEPT 15 2016] – As newer technology emerges, there are newer ways to create art. Tablets have become a major part of the way we go about our daily routines, making way for tasks to be created, worked on and finalized while on the go.
The art scene itself has seen an emergence of work created with the use of a tablet and a stylus. Rashad Graham makes use of this platform to create various pieces inspired by various moments in Pop Culture. It can sometimes take hours to a whole day to finish one piece, according to Graham.Different canvases. Different tools. Different platforms. It all comes together in art. Whether its drawing, painting, sculpting or forms of photography, many things take form with the start of each creation.
With the digital aspect of artwork, a sketch can be the groundwork for many different creations; a painting; a drawing, the blueprint being a sculpture. Its all connected. Having the access and the freedom to create on the go, makes it easier to edit and finalize photography, sketches and more. This allows for more cross platform creations.
A photograph can be the groundwork in a digitally created painting or even painted with a variety of mediums. A painting with vast details showcases lifelike similarities reverts itself back to what seems to be just a photograph.
This emergence has integrated itself among what artists were once used to and now allows for continuous differences in artwork. ▲